We need to be able to add custom fields into that drop down menu of the charges form (as below) so they can put in the types of Grass they have (we won’t put prices for it in here yet, it will interfere with our other pricing project) When it comes to the end of the month and they want […]
Table alteration from the search bar results
Beta DevelopmentsSwap out the ‘Sector’ and put in the appointment date and time instead. This is much more useful for a quick information update to a customer on the phone and saves a lot of clicking.
The Flobot colour coding project
Beta DevelopmentsThe schedule looks great and it is easy to see what is happening with the appointments becasue of the colour coding. The next stage is to make it easier to find the schedule that you are looking for among several schedules. This can be accomplished by colour coding the top bar as in the image. Also, we should put in […]
New capacity schedule
Beta DevelopmentsSo we have a schedule that works brilliantly for immediate dispatch or selection of an individual Field Team Member to a client at any point in time. However, we have a scenario where the user is looking or the availability of a team and not a specific FTM at some time in the future. They don’t know who will actually do […]
Special projects postcode / geo-location over-ride
Beta Developmentsor maybe it should be called: FTM / Sales estimators areas covered and skillsets logic upgrade. So, imagine you want someone to cover only a specific set of areas unless some other event occurs when it can be overridden. For example, one person covers 100 mile radius or certain postcodes unless a condition is met and then they will go […]
Locking the time slots in place
BugsWe need to lock the time-slots as we scroll to the right to make it easy to see what time we are booking.
How to send an invoice from Flobot and cc someone else in
Easigrass SupportA video on how to send an invoice from Flobot and cc someone else in.
Easigrass Flobot Roadmap
Easigrass SupportThis is the Easigrass Flobot project roadmap. Comments and suggestions may be added by any member of the team. Points to note Writing new code, testing it and delivering it is not like trying on dresses. It takes a lot of time and frequently delivery times come and go because it is complex. What may seem like a simple request can actually […]
Change the anchor on the add new order page
BugsThis anchor needs changing. At the moment it goes through an unneccessary page so we need to do this:
Change to the book misc slot system
Beta DevelopmentsWe have a good way to book a slot in the schedule at the moment but we can do better. This is my suggestion. Instead of having a drop down menu we replace it with a text box that allows the user to define their own reason for being off. Then the text in the text box is displayed in […]
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