This article will guide you how to send job completion email manually. This email will be sent out to the customer. First, login to Flobot and open an order. Go to the charges section. Click the burger icon under Customer Charges. Then click on “Send order complete email notification” Note: This option will not be available if your order has […]
Quote Template Categorize
UncategorizedYou can save a quote template on a flobot to use in the future. Now quote template can be categorized. All the quote templates are already in the default category. you can customize it. Firstly you should add quote categories Log to Flobot and go to settings Select the templates tab and click the Quote template category list Then click […]
Message Bird SMS delivery confirmation
UncategorizedOnce an appointment is been scheduled or when a quote has been sent to a customer. Once the text message is sent , you get the delivery stats in the order overview When the apppointment confirmation is sent you the stats as below. If the confirmation text was delivered, it is shown as message sent If the confirmation message was […]
Quote Stats
UncategorizedNow you can see the statics of the quotes which was sent and the revenue generated by each one who sent the quotes in 3 steps. Monthly stats Yearly stats All stats
Duplicate account prevention
UncategorizedWhen putting up details for a new customer, when you go to the email field and type the email ID, if its an existing customer it indicates in red. When you click on the link the order gets created for the existing account. When putting up details for a new customer, when you go to the email field and type […]
Booking out a Field team members availability
UncategorizedYou can book a FTM time slot from the Flobot web or Flobot app. How to book a slot from flobot web Log into flobot web and go to field resources. Select any field team member you wish to book a slot for Then click the right side burger button and choose the book/unbook misc slots. Now you can tick […]
Pay FTMs for labour
Uncategorized What's new in FlobotUsing our new feature users will be able to add FTMs payments simply without doing manual calculations. This is only for ServiceTeam company. Add FTM payment into the cost section. Go to the order you want to add FTM payments. Click on the Chargers tab & find the PAY FTM button under the Customer chargers section.NOTE: When some conditions failed […]
Whatsapp Reminder Messages
UncategorizedNote – This feature is only available for serviceteam company Review Request Go to an order Then go to Charges Click the Burger icon on the “Customer charges” tab And click Send “customer an invoice” Click the “Yes” button on the invoice window, then you will be redirected to the WhatsApp Whatsapp message will look like the below message Deposit […]
How to Block and Unblock FTM’s In Flobot
UncategorizedTo get started, make sure logged in to the Flobot admin portal. You need to sign-in. Firstly, go to the field resources and select the necessary FTM you want. Then go to FTM schedule, and press the hamburger icon and select Block/ unblock slots When you arrive that page, you will see a page like this, and if the particular boxes […]
FTM Review Retention
UncategorizedTo get started, make sure logged in to the Flobot admin portal. You need to sign-in. In the top right, go to Settings > Options. At the bottom, find Enable review bonus toggle button. Then turn on “Enable review bonus” toggle button. Insert the percentage of Review retention target hit. Then go to the Field resources section. Choose FTM you want to enable review retention & edit […]
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