Message Bird SMS delivery confirmation

Once an appointment is been scheduled or when a quote has been sent to a customer. Once the text message is sent , you get the delivery stats in the order overview When the apppointment confirmation is sent you the stats as below. If the confirmation text was delivered, it is shown as message sent If the confirmation message was […]

Quote Stats

Now you can see the statics of the quotes which was sent and the revenue generated by each one who sent the quotes in 3 steps. Monthly stats Yearly stats All stats

Duplicate account prevention

When putting up details for a new customer, when you go to the email field and type the email ID, if its an existing customer it indicates in red. When you click on the link the order gets created for the existing account. When putting up details for a new customer, when you go to the email field and type […]

Pay FTMs for labour

Using our new feature users will be able to add FTMs payments simply without doing manual calculations. This is only for ServiceTeam company. Add FTM payment into the cost section. Go to the order you want to add FTM payments. Click on the Chargers tab & find the PAY FTM button under the Customer chargers section.NOTE: When some conditions failed […]

Send customer email

Create or change customer email template Go to Settings > Template. Select the System template & click on the Manage sub template option. To create a new template. In the top right, click on the burger icon & select the Add template. Then select the template category as Customer appointment booking email. Insert the template Title & Template body in the description. Click Save to […]

Forcing field team members to add images

To get started, make sure logged in to the Flobot admin portal. Force to add images into the job sheet Go to Settings > App settings. Scroll down & find the ‘Minimum number of job sheet Images‘ spinner. Then set a minimum number of images required for job sheets. Force to add Quote description of work proposed images into the Quote Go to Settings > App […]

Chasing FTMs for Quotes

NOTE: Quote chase feature only available in the ServiceTeam Send chase WhatsApp message If an order has appointments, users will be able to send the chase message to each FTM. First, you need to open the order you want to send the chase message. Go to the Order notes section. Click the burger icon in the Customer notes area. Select […]

Customer job acceptance confirmation improvements on Flobot app

In some cases, the resident is not on the site. So now FTM will be able to continue their job sheet submitting process without customer signature & job acceptance confirmation popup.

How to find Flobot images in Android devices

Go to file viewer (my files app) in your android device. Then tap on internal storage and three dots menu in the top right-hand corner. Select settings on three dots menu and turn on “Show hidden files”. Then you can see “.Flobot” folder in the internal storage. Tap the “.Flobot” folder and you can find out all the images of […]

Attach existing documents into Engineer Notes

Flobot allows you to attach already existing documents into the engineer notes section. Simply go engineer notes section & click on the burger icon on the right corner. Then you will be able to attach existing job sheets, quotes, project sheets, account documents & more.