Further enhancement to quote module

That quote item upload is just awesome. It has saved me so much time, I just love it. And the quotes (bar the selectable images that we need to get back in there) are working brilliantly. But we are the victims of our own success here. There is too much going on in that line now to be useful and […]

Adding custom fields into the charges drop down menu in Flobot

At the moment we can add custom fields into that drop down menu of the charges form (as below). To make your job easier, so let’s take it step by step. Starting out First of all, you have to navigate to the “Settings” -> “Order Items” and the click on the cabinet icon on the upper right side corner to […]

Add the quotes viewed to the quote

At the moment we can determine when and how many times the quote has been viewed by the client.It appears in the order log and the quotes search table. Can we put it into the quote tab itself?

More interesting statistics project for Flobot

Not that we want to start designing sales and estimating software because that’s not what we do and we would be better off connecting with Goldmine or Salesforce for this, but we still have some good data in the system that would be useful for the estimators / sales teams. We already display a lot of stats but we can […]

Attachments in app project

If we can allow an attachment in the ‘Details of the job (information shared with FTM) that will appear in the app then this is a massively useful feature. So, pdf attachments, word, images whatever, maybe even video. This will mean that when preparing a project for the Field Team Member, no paper will be necessary at all. The user […]

How to alter the work area and skillset of a field team member in Flobot

If a field team member isn’t showing up in the schedule them you might want to add to their skillset or increase the areas they will work in. This will allow them to appear in the schedule for more jobs. Here is a video that shows how to do that.  

Adding a new enquiry to an existing account

Sometimes you need to keep a record of new enquiries. Even if they are for existing clients. A list of jobs to do and a record of the success in contacting the customer. Gere is a video of how to do that.

How to duplicate or copy a quote in Flobot

You may want to make several copies of a quote or estimate in Flobot. Maybe because your customer wants several quotes and they have slight variations in each. Here is a video of how to do that.  

How to upload a price list into Flobot

Flobot allows you to save a lot of time when creating a quote or estimate because you have the ability to upload a product price list. This works for both labour pricing and materials and you can upload as many price lists as you like. Both the buy price and the sell price can be added to pre-populate your line […]

Flobot: How to change the job owner

The job owner is defaulted to the person who first created a customer order. This person receives all Flobot communications about this job or order – when a quote has been accepted and the payment notifications telling the user when a deposit or a settlement balance has been paid. This video shows you how to change the job owner to someone […]