The Flobot colour coding project

The schedule looks great and it is easy to see what is happening with the appointments becasue of the colour coding. The next stage is to make it easier to find the schedule that you are looking for among several schedules. This can be accomplished by colour coding the top bar as in the image. Also, we should put in […]

New capacity schedule

So we have a schedule that works brilliantly for immediate dispatch or selection of an individual Field Team Member to a client at any point in time. However, we have a scenario where the user is looking or the availability of a team and not a specific FTM at some time in the future. They don’t know who will actually do […]

Special projects postcode / geo-location over-ride

or maybe it should be called: FTM / Sales estimators areas covered and skillsets logic upgrade. So, imagine you want someone to cover only a specific set of areas unless some other event occurs when it can be overridden. For example, one person covers 100 mile radius or certain postcodes unless a condition is met and then they will go […]

Change to the book misc slot system

We have a good way to book a slot in the schedule at the moment but we can do better. This is my suggestion. Instead of having a drop down menu we replace it with a text box that allows the user to define their own reason for being off. Then the text in the text box is displayed in […]

Sending quotes to suppliers and ftms – Accounts upgrade part 3

Ok, so we have a great quote making tool. We can make and send a very detailed quote out to the client and they can accpet it electronically through the system. We need to be able to send this information to the FTM and the supplier. Ideally, these would be 2 different documents but for the moment they can be the […]

Multiple invoices on one order

At the moment if you want to create a new invoice hen you just cretate a new order and send one out. Work 99% of the time. However, every so often you want to be able to sent out an additional invoice from the same order number. Maybe for some extra work and the client’s finance department wants it on […]

Further tweaks to the recurring appointments

So, the recurring appoinrments work really well. You can make one to many field members a recurring appointment sfor any amount of time to any day for ever. It doesn’t get more flexible than that and it is a great feature. But, displayng this information is a problem. On the plus side none of our competitors do it well. On […]

New wizard for trial sign-up v2 – Tracker – Fresh Milk Software

New wizard for trial sign-up – Tracker – Fresh Milk Software We currently have a wizard which allows a new user to sign up for an open ending trial with Flobot. It can be found here: It is severely limited at the moment and doesn’t work properly. Specifically, when the client selects their industry the wizard creates several departments […]

Bespoke setting for individual accounts on the app and jobsheet

So, we have some clients who want to be able to insert questions, tick boxes into the app based on the requirements of an indivudual acount, but also a default for all the accounts. Here is how I think it should work 1) In the global settings we have the default settings for the app 2) This settings can be […]

Organize the advanced settings section in Flobot

At the moment we have hundreds of settings options in Flobot. This is a good thing because it makes it very customizable. However, we need some more organization around it as some settings are not in the right place. We should do this is 2 sections. This first move will allow us to evaluate the second stage where we may […]