How to find Flobot images in Android devices

Go to file viewer (my files app) in your android device. Then tap on internal storage and three dots menu in the top right-hand corner. Select settings on three dots menu and turn on “Show hidden files”. Then you can see “.Flobot” folder in the internal storage. Tap the “.Flobot” folder and you can find out all the images of […]

Attach existing documents into Engineer Notes

Flobot allows you to attach already existing documents into the engineer notes section. Simply go engineer notes section & click on the burger icon on the right corner. Then you will be able to attach existing job sheets, quotes, project sheets, account documents & more.

How to change the colours of the ftms in the schedule V3

You can select a unique color to each FTM, when you add new FTM to a company and edit an existing FTM in a company. Add FTM schedule color. Log in to the Flobot system and go to the field resource section. Click hamburger icon in the top right corner and select “Add FTM”. Add the “Schedule colour” with all […]

Order priority levels

An order’s priority defines its importance in relation to other orders, so it helps your users determine which orders should be tackled first. Flobot comes with a set of predefined priorities. You can also choose different priorities for your orders. NOTE: Users can set priority levels when adding a new enquiry. Once you set a priority level, it can’t be […]

Managing User Service Levels with oversight

When the user makes an order & it has stayed at a stage longer than the agreed service level time of that stage then an alarm clock will appear color “Green”, “Orange” or “Red” depending on how overdue. NOTE: Oversight feature is only available in ServiceTeam. The alarm clock appears in the default order list & order overview sections. If […]

Reset your password

You can reset your password for security reasons or if you forget it. Reset your FTM password on flobot app Open the flobot app on your android or apple device. Tap on “Forgotten your password?” text on the login screen. Then type your login email on the text box and click the “RESET MY PASSWORD” button. Then check your email […]

Appointment reminders

Flobot able to automatically notifies customers & FTMs before the appointment start. You can customize these notifications from the Settings section. Log to the Flobot web and go to Settings. Scroll down and select the FieldNet. Now you can see the above options, • Enable appointment reminder email: You can enable or disable an appointment reminder by this toggle button. […]

Quote deposit acceptance feature

How to enable quote deposit payment process Go to the Settings section. Scroll down & select Quote Settings. Then go to the Options tab in the Quote Settings. Turn on Enable quote deposit payment process & click save. Here’s how it works Using this feature Customers will be able to accept their quotes, make deposit payments & confirm their appointments […]

Project Sign-off Zoho form feature

This feature will only work on serviceteam company. With the Project Sign-off feature, we can assign department based Zoho forms to fill on job completion. Also, we can change the form if order charges exceed some predefined value. How to add Zoho form links for departments First, login to flobot and go to settings Click “Departments” then click options dropdown […]

Recommendation feature

Recommendation feature allows FTMs to send recommendations if he is not able to fully guaranteed the work. This feature will only work on serviceteam company. How it works on app First login to flobot app and go to an appointment. Then you will able to see a new section called “Recommendations” and tap on it. If FTM able to fully […]