System notes upgrade

We need to further enhance communication between the user, the FTM and the client. The respective portals need to have notes that are specific to that party. I have made a mcok-up that shows how this should happen:

Client portal and FTM portal upgrades

Client portal and FTM portal issues As we are building a replica if you will of the the ftm portal in the new app. We need address some of the problems with functionality at the moment. Let’s start with the FTM portal. Pictures. We have the ability to upload pictures into the portal but it is not useful at the moment. […]

FTM and contractor Payments anchor

This is a little annoying. When you go to add a charge to an FTM or allocate a charge to an FTM, you start off here:                   then go here                     and end up on a competely different screen here       […]

Quote tool upgrade for Flobot Property Maintenance Software

SVN 221 We need to alter the drop down menu for the unites of time as highlighed in the graphic. We also need to replace the drag along mark-up slider with the ‘Sell price per unit’ box. To make it clear Box 1: ‘Buy Price per unit’ This is what the company buys the product otr service at and cureently […]

OnMouseover details and description of job throughout system

At the moment it is not possible to get more specific information on a particlar job without clicking the link and going into the record. This means a lot of excess clicking when deciding which order to select as there is not enough information displayed in the tables. However, ading another table row would look ugly and would make the […]

Ajax search for customers, orders, invoices, postcodes, telephpne numbers on Flobot

When typing in a value into the search box, if something isn’t found the following error pops up.

Stage 9 Outstanding payments tab default to search for all unpaid orders

At the moment the  ‘View Orders With Outstanding Payments Tab’ only searches a month or so. The default should be changed to search for all orders at any time. Also, The order date is from the first time the order was placed onto the system. What the user is really interested in is the invoice date which denotes when the […]

Re-issue invoice with original date or selected date

At the moment the date on an invoice is taken from the current date. So, when an invoice is re-issued it takes today’s date. The default date inserted should be the date the invoice was first issued. However, in certain circumstances it needs to be overwritten with a date inserted buy the user. I think this is how it should […]

Add a tab to navigate to the main account

On the left hand navigation menu ‘Account Overview’ needs to be added to the top above the ‘Order Overview’ Button See below:  

Addressing an invoice to anyone

At the moment Flobot addresses the invoice to the default account owner. This might not be the relevant person to send the invoice to for all orders or all sites held under the account. Eventually, it might be an idea to enable the user to select ho to address the invoice to from a drop down box using data held […]