Updated Flobot scheduler features and bugs to be solved before release

The updated scheduler is looking great. Lots more fuunctionality. A few bugs to clear up before release The appointment I just made has not appeared in the schedule although it appears in the appointments tab When making the appointment the confirm button is way over to the right and has a lot of scrolling I think we need to hide […]

Complaint flag advanced search in Flobot

We have the complaint flag feature and the warning tag. Both are used to identify a customer who has a problem or has made a complaint or that the user doesn’t want to do any work for again becasue the customer is a pain in the arse or whatever. At the moment we flag it so that the marketing siftware […]

Schedule enhancement colours

We need to make a colour change to an appointment where the job sheet has been completed and submitted successfully. And we need to insert a line break in the schedule for multiple appointments in the same slot to make it look nicer.

Organize the advanced settings section in Flobot

At the moment we have hundreds of settings options in Flobot. This is a good thing because it makes it very customizable. However, we need some more organization around it as some settings are not in the right place. We should do this is 2 sections. This first move will allow us to evaluate the second stage where we may […]

Show orders and customers on map

At the moment we have the advanced search section. This allows us to search for pretty much anything and create custom searches which can be exported to a csv file. This is a fantatsic feature. There are some improvements we could make, that no-one else is doing. In fact I often forget just what a powerful reporting tool that is and […]

New price list addition to the quote tool

This is a very nice idea for the quote tool. Yourtradebase does this very well, the best I’ve seen. https://www.yourtradebase.com/help/price-lists/services-price-list/ I especially like the ‘add this to your service list’ feature. So you make the list more useful to you as you go on. This feature will be immensley useful for our customers. And I think we can go one […]

The new customer notes screen in Flobot

Customer notes Should be labelled ‘Customer notes not ‘Customer note’

The appointments screen on Flobot, new changes

The appointment screen Note the ‘+’ symbol and in this case it will open up to a full screen again.So, this has the map location of the appointment the details of the appointment itself with the FTM name etc. If you look at the second screen looks very similiar to the appointments screen except this is where you actually select the appointment. […]

Update to the Flobot charges sections for usability and clarity

The Invoice and site address should be split screen toi help the user see where the job took place and where the invoice is going to The Charges section should be changed to ‘Customer charges’ on the naviagtion tabs. This is a difficvult screen. We have 2 mthodsa we can do to change it, espcailly now we have added  ‘Discount’ and […]

New electronic Job Sheet design – e-jobsheet

The electronic job sheet is one of the best features that we have in Flobot. It gives the date and time of the submission. It geo=locates and geo-stamps the location of where the jobsheet was creted and signed in case of a dispute. It has clickable pictures to open in full size and the pdfs, word documents and anything else […]