This video shows you how to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list. Type in the material or service, fitting rate, whatever you want into the description and select from the drop down menu.
This video shows you how to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list. Type in the material or service, fitting rate, whatever you want into the description and select from the drop down menu.
You may want to add the dimensions of the artificial grass cuts or carpet cuts into the quote. This information is not shared with the client. But it is useful when making orders with your suppliers or passing it along to the inventory system so it can be cut and delivered to site.
There may be times when you need to alert your whole field team about something instantly and the best way to do this is often with an sms text message. The phones buzzes with an sms text message and so it has a much higher chance of being read. This is a neat feature within Flobot. You will also see […]
The quote module is too clunky in the app and needs to be changed to make it useful. It must have a feed to prefill the costs of materials and labour that are stored in the database. (no-one is going to fill this in in the field from a paper price list). At the moment if it has one it […]
At the moment we can determine when and how many times the quote has been viewed by the client.It appears in the order log and the quotes search table. Can we put it into the quote tab itself?
Sometimes you need to keep a record of new enquiries. Even if they are for existing clients. A list of jobs to do and a record of the success in contacting the customer. Gere is a video of how to do that.
When seeing all the schedules in one go the link takes us to the ‘add new customer’ screen which is correct. There is no link for an individual schedule however so it should link to ‘Book a misc slot’ page.
The Flobot accounts are very confusing and we need to enhance and simplify. It starts with the enquiry form. Let’s ,make some change here so we can understand what is going on and then move to phase 2. It will mean that we probably have to go back and add or change some things to this enquiry screen again. But […]
We have the schedule and it looks great. We are already ading more functionailty to it. For the schedule that appears undernath the appointment we need to make it loo like below. Points to notes 1) It needs to be 3 months to show recurring appointments 2) Ideally it can scroll to show another three months 3) The FTM name […]
We have a very comprehensive invoicing and payment system. It works beautifully but it is ugly. All images are at the bottom of the page. 1) We are going to change the tab ‘Charges’ to ‘Invoices & payments’ 2) We need to make a table that contains the invoices that have already been emailed out. This is easy because we […]
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