Project Sign-off Zoho form feature

This feature will only work on serviceteam company. With the Project Sign-off feature, we can assign department based Zoho forms to fill on job completion. Also, we can change the form if order charges exceed some predefined value. How to add Zoho form links for departments First, login to flobot and go to settings Click “Departments” then click options dropdown […]

Recommendation feature

Recommendation feature allows FTMs to send recommendations if he is not able to fully guaranteed the work. This feature will only work on serviceteam company. How it works on app First login to flobot app and go to an appointment. Then you will able to see a new section called “Recommendations” and tap on it. If FTM able to fully […]

Material return feature

Now FTMs can send their return martial information through the app. This feature will only work on serviceteam company. How it works on the app FTMs will able to see a new section called ” Return Materials” inside appointments on the app. Then they can add return materials by simply tapping on the “+” icon. Then fill return material one […]

Quote settings

You can customize quote settings in here. There’re seven sections in the quote settings. Options Quote image – You can rename quote image field header text. Please see the below image. Quote images width – Set default quote image width size in pixel when uploading images to the Quote.  Quote image description – show or hide the quote image description. […]

Suppliers in the Flobot

Add a new supplier Go to Field resources section in the main menu navigation. Click on the burger icon in top right & select Add supplier. Then fill the required fields. Click the save button to save your changes. Send a supplier sheet Open a quote you want to send a supplier sheet. Scroll down & click on the Supplier […]

Cascade Menu

To get started, make sure logged in to the Flobot admin portal. You might need to sign in. NOTE :- First follow this link ( Manage Navigation ) to learn how to “Manage navigation” Go to the Settings > Manage navigation > Main menu Then you can add/edit the menu navigations (cascade menu) under the Main menu tab Add main menu […]

Manage navigation

You can update, add, and hide navigation panels on your flobot. Click the settings in the right side corner. Select Manage navigation. Main menu You can edit the main menu navigations under the main menu tab. Add new – add new navigation. Link – type a URL you wish to navigate. Label – name for navigation. Action – you can turn on […]

Promocode feature

Note: This features works on serviceteam company only Create new promocodes 1.Go to settings 2.Scroll down and click promocodes 3.Add FTM promocodes Fill promocode range (start No. and end No.). this number should be four characters. enter the discount and select any FTM. finally enter the FTM commission and save. Use promocodes to enquiry When you creating new enquiry you […]

Project Sign-Off Sheet

Change settings for Project Sign-Off feature To get started, make sure logged in to the Flobot admin portal.  NOTE: Project Sign-Off Sheet feature only available in ServiceTeam. Set department base Zoho URLs In the top right corner, click Settings. Scroll down to Departments tab & click on it. Choose a department, Then go to Options > Types on the right […]

FTM forced questions feature

When you submit a jobsheet, the app will ask three questions from FTM. and then the order stage will change according to the selected question. Note: This features will only work on serviceteam company How it works on mobile app First FTM needs to login to his/her account Then go to an appointment Fill all required fields to the job […]