Flobot accounts overhaul part 2

So, as part of the accounts overhaul this is part 2. Under the accounts we need to make some changes, Under Contacts Contacts – we need to add contacts in here even if they are added from the site or order screen. All contacts on the account should appear here. All contacts should be searchable in the search bar. ideally we […]

Flobot accounts overhaul

The Flobot accounts are very confusing and we need to enhance and simplify. It starts with the enquiry form. Let’s ,make some change here so we can understand what is going on and then move to phase 2. It will mean that we probably have to go back and add or change some things to this enquiry screen again. But […]

Further tweaks to the recurring appointments

So, the recurring appoinrments work really well. You can make one to many field members a recurring appointment sfor any amount of time to any day for ever. It doesn’t get more flexible than that and it is a great feature. But, displayng this information is a problem. On the plus side none of our competitors do it well. On […]