Ok, so we have made a few changes put let’s get more radical and really create something unique. After having had a play around with a lot of our work-flow management competitors software, Jobber, KickServ, eworksmanager I think we can do better. We will incorporate something of all of theirs and combine it wikth out own look and feel and […]
Contractor accepting job
Beta DevelopmentsWe need a feedback mechanism for a contractor to electronically accept a job that is sent to them. So, that can be done by the app. When the job is posted and an appointment made we should have an option to make this ‘Conditional.’ To make this clear there will another kind of appointment in the drop down menu that […]
Further upgrades to Flobot Field
Beta DevelopmentsThe app is looking brilliant and is working very well. It stable and works offline and this is very important. However a couple of mall improvements in the immediate term will make this even more useful. The orange colour is kept like the system for jobs and the blue is for quotes. we can use the dark grey colour for […]
Usability upgrades to the Flobot App
Beta DevelopmentsThe Flobot app looks great, it is stable and it works brilliantly. We now need to add some further usability enhancements to make it perfect. The Appointment Screen In the picture below of the appointment screen. There is too much information in the appointment. I think we should put in the appointment name, the postcode and the city only. The […]
Invoice screen navigation addition
Beta DevelopmentsWe need to put the left hand navigation screen back into the invoice page. This is becasue if you search for an invoice number in the serach bar and are presented with the page, there are no links to take you to the order from there and you are left stranded. It needs to look like below.
Account Overview upgrade
ArticlesWe need an upgarde of the account overview to make it more useful for the user. Let’s start with editing the account
Asset Management upgrade
Beta DevelopmentsIn Flobot we have a section that is notoften used but could be very useful. It is found under ‘Service Log’ in the document store right at the bottom. Cyurrently it has the form but it doesn’t save the information. We need to upgrade this to make it work and make it useful. See image below. […]
Usability project for Flobot, improving the work-flow and appearance
Beta DevelopmentsFlobot is great, nice to use and it looks good. But we can improve. Some of the screens replicate information and the layout needs compacting as there is some unnecessary scrolling. In some cases the forms need turning upside down because the most useful information is at the bottom of the page. Here are my suggestions. Across all pages we […]
Add a setting to change the information on the rollover in the schedule
Beta DevelopmentsA user may want to change the information displayed in the schedule. At the mment it is stuck to the mtx order number and a postcode. This is not that useful. We should add a setting to allow it to be replaced with a site name, a customer name, a city or an account name.
Quick hack for further schedule usability
Beta DevelopmentsWe have a big project for adding enhancemens to the schedule. In the eantime there is a quick way we could add a recurring appointment. e just need to do 2 things as far as I can determine. 1) We need to allow the system to open up slots 3 months ahead and more 2) then we need to make […]
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