Further tweaks to the recurring appointments

So, the recurring appoinrments work really well. You can make one to many field members a recurring appointment sfor any amount of time to any day for ever. It doesn’t get more flexible than that and it is a great feature. But, displayng this information is a problem. On the plus side none of our competitors do it well. On […]

Change to the description box

We need to put in a new Ajax pop-up box for the details of the job. This information is shared with the ftm and appears in the app.  

New wizard for trial sign-up v2 – Tracker – Fresh Milk Software

New wizard for trial sign-up – Tracker – Fresh Milk Software We currently have a wizard which allows a new user to sign up for an open ending trial with Flobot. It can be found here: https://www.myflobot.com/register/step-1.php It is severely limited at the moment and doesn’t work properly. Specifically, when the client selects their industry the wizard creates several departments […]

Changes to the payment gateway / online payments for Flobot

Changes to the payment gateway / online payments for Flobot What happens is the customer pays the deposit with a credit card but the credit card charges are only added on the final settlement payment. We need to tell the customer of the amount the credit card will cost to process on each transaction. So, Can we add how much […]

How to add a new user to Flobot

How to add a new user to Flobot Go to the top of any screen and you will find the user symbol on the right. Click it and it will bring you to this screen, click the cabinet and you will see an ‘Add User’ Option. From here it is fairly straight forward, just fill in the boxes and press […]

Some improvements to the enquiry form

Yes we need to make it linear again. Alos, we need to do something about the company / organistaion. It is getting a bit messy as we add more companies as opposed to individuals. Kickserv does this pretty well with the option of asking the user whether it is a company or an indivdual at the start of the process […]

The appointment schedule

We have the schedule and it looks great. We are already ading more functionailty to it. For the schedule that appears undernath the appointment we need to make it loo like below. Points to notes 1) It needs to be 3 months to show recurring appointments 2) Ideally it can scroll to show another three months 3) The FTM name […]

Bespoke setting for individual accounts on the app and jobsheet

So, we have some clients who want to be able to insert questions, tick boxes into the app based on the requirements of an indivudual acount, but also a default for all the accounts. Here is how I think it should work 1) In the global settings we have the default settings for the app 2) This settings can be […]

Invoices and payments in Flobot

We have a very comprehensive invoicing and payment system. It works beautifully but it is ugly. All images are at the bottom of the page. 1) We are going to change the tab ‘Charges’ to ‘Invoices & payments’ 2) We need to make a table that contains the invoices that have already been emailed out. This is easy because we […]

Tweaks to the Field team members schedule

We are getting close to having a very good Field Team members schedule, probably the best on the market. Here is what we need to do to guarantee our success. All images at bottom of post in order. 1) Open the slots. We need to get these slots open right from the start. Becasue when we upgrade the qizard it […]