US address search implementation

Here’s how to configure : Goto Settings > Company info in your admin area. Scroll down & find FTM location matcher. Select Google address search option on drop down & save. Here’s how to use this feature : Once enable this feature you don’t want enter full address manually. Start typing your address on Address line 1 & then it pop ups all suggested addresses below the Address […]

How to select an alternative invoice template in Flobot

Sometime you might want to have multiple templates for your invoices. Maybe different bank accounts, different companies, BACS numbers instead of card payments etc. Whatever the reason you can set up multiple templates and select the one you want to send the customer when you are issuing them with an invoice. Here is how to how to select the right […]

Flobot: How to allocate a payment to a contractor

Flobot: How to allocate a payment to a contractor and register that you have paid them. Very simple to do in Flobot. Watch the video below  

Flobot: How to enter description of works completed for a customer to see on the invoice

Flobot: How to enter description of works completed for customer to see on the invoice. In Flobot this is very simple to do and there are many ways to do it. The simplest is to create the charges from the quote. Watch the video below on how to do that.  

How to add a template for the quote module in Flobot settings

This video shows you how to add a description of works in the quote module in Flobot. This makes it super-fast to build a great looking quote and send it to your customer.  

How to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list

This video shows you how to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list. Type in the material or service, fitting rate, whatever you want into the description and select from the drop down menu.    

How to send an sms text message to you whole field team with Flobot

There may be times when you need to alert your whole field team about something instantly and the best way to do this is often with an sms text message. The phones buzzes with an sms text message and so it has a much higher chance of being read. This is a neat feature within Flobot. You will also see […]