How to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list

This video shows you how to build a quote in Flobot using the stored price list. Type in the material or service, fitting rate, whatever you want into the description and select from the drop down menu.    

How to add dimensions into a quote on Flobot

You may want to add the dimensions of the artificial grass cuts or carpet cuts into the quote. This information is not shared with the client. But it is useful when making orders with your suppliers or passing it along to the inventory system so it can be cut and delivered to site.

How to populate and de-populate automatic slots in the schedule – Flobot

You can control the availability of a field team members schedule by making them available as a default option or unavailable. This is useful for a contractor where you might not have full access to their diary, They may not work for you very often and so you don’t want the office staff to book them for a job without […]

How to create an invoice using the stored price list in Flobot

You can create a quick invoice in the charges section using the price list stored in the settings under ‘quote items’. This means you never need to remember the prices or look them up for your labour or materials. Here’s how to do that.

How to block/unblock time slots in the Field team schedule

Blocking or unblocking a time slot or booking a misc slot in the Field team schedule is similar to doing so in the system. Have a look at the following steps.   1. Go to the Field resources section. 2. Select a field team member you want to block or unblock slots. 3. Click Options > View. 4. Click the […]

How to block and unblock slots in the schedule: Flobot

How to block and unblock slots for field team members in Flobot. If your slots are greyed out or all in grey you need to open them so you can accept more bookings. This is used to limit bookings for sub contractors who may be blocked by default. Watch this video on how to block and unblock the slots to make them […]

How to use the filters for quotes

You may want to filter the quotes based on certain parameters. Here is how to do that.    

How to alter the work area and skillset of a field team member in Flobot

If a field team member isn’t showing up in the schedule them you might want to add to their skillset or increase the areas they will work in. This will allow them to appear in the schedule for more jobs. Here is a video that shows how to do that.  

How to duplicate or copy a quote in Flobot

You may want to make several copies of a quote or estimate in Flobot. Maybe because your customer wants several quotes and they have slight variations in each. Here is a video of how to do that.