Ajax search for customers, orders, invoices, postcodes, telephpne numbers on Flobot

When typing in a value into the search box, if something isn’t found the following error pops up.

Stage 9 Outstanding payments tab default to search for all unpaid orders

At the moment the  ‘View Orders With Outstanding Payments Tab’ only searches a month or so. The default should be changed to search for all orders at any time. Also, The order date is from the first time the order was placed onto the system. What the user is really interested in is the invoice date which denotes when the […]

Add a tab to navigate to the main account

On the left hand navigation menu ‘Account Overview’ needs to be added to the top above the ‘Order Overview’ Button See below:  

Addressing an invoice to anyone

At the moment Flobot addresses the invoice to the default account owner. This might not be the relevant person to send the invoice to for all orders or all sites held under the account. Eventually, it might be an idea to enable the user to select ho to address the invoice to from a drop down box using data held […]

Full Contractor and field service engineers Schedule display

At the moment the default display on the schedule (https://www.myflobot.com/appointments/) is to show all the engineers for one day. I understand that this is to limit the pressure on the system to include a week or months schedule for all the engineers.                                     […]

Re-issue an invoice with original date

When you issue an invoice it puts todays date onto the invoice. This is a feature we want to keep but we want to be able to add the original date the invoice was sent also. A new bit of information should be added to the invoice looking something like below.

Field Resources areas covered and skill set display

Flobot allows you to select the areas that your field resources and contractors can or are willing to work and the skill set or type of jobs they are able and willing to perform. This is ideally set out with the contractor at the start and then there is no confusion as to which jobs can be attended to by […]

Edit an appointment in Flobot

When you have booked an appointment and then go back to edit it. You are presented with the schedule to edit, the existing apointment highlighted in green. Untick that box and then tickthe desired box for the edited appointment. The hit confirm. But when you go back to the schedule it has not deleted the original appoinmtnet and now you […]

Customer quoting tool internal enhancements

Our clients tell us that the quoting tool is one of the best features of Flobot. Here are a few enhancements to make before we embark on the quote template system. 1. At the moment it only allows the user to select days and we need a further drop down menu to allow them to select hours, weeks, months or even […]

Unlimited customer contacts

In an account or an order we need to be able to add additional client contacts that need to be searchable. For example. You may need several contact at Head office in the accounts page. You might need several diffrent contacts at the site. You also need to be able to select which contacts to make primary and when it […]