Review bonus in Flobot app

The Bonus Review tab under the Statistics tab in the Flobot app bottom navigation bar and easy-to-see your ranking information for the review retention. Bonus Review in Flobot app Open your Flobot app on your device. On the bottom navigation bar, tap Statistics. Tap Bonus Review tab on the top navigation bar.  

All new multiple image uploader in Flobot app

What’s new FTMs will be able to upload multiple images at once by using this uploader. Multiple image uploader in Flobot app Open your Flobot app on your device. Navigate to any image gallery available location. For example, Attachments & Images section in the appointment. Tap Add button. Here is new image uploader view. Tip: If you want to add […]

Invoice Due Date Upgrade

What is the new feature and how to enable it Go to Settings > Options Then find out two options called “With terms number of days” / “without terms number of days”,and make your changes. Above setting will work according two types of clients, customer who is a “payment without terms”(PVT customer) or a “payment with terms” (Credit account customer). Go to edit account […]

Financial in Flobot app

The Payment Summery tab under the Statistics tab in the Flobot app bottom navigation bar and easy-to-see summaries of all your important financial information. Payment Summery in Flobot app Open your Flobot app on your device. On the bottom navigation bar, tap Statistics. Tap Payment Summery tab on the top navigation bar. Tip: You can navigate between month by using left & right arrow icons.

See and edit FTM account in Flobot app

FTMs able to edit their account from Flobot app. But when you change your details, you need to wait until review your details. Once your details are reviewed you’ll get notify the decision.  Edit FTM account details in Flobot app Open your Flobot app on your device. On the bottom navigation bar, tap My Account. Tap Edit My Account. Make […]