At the moment we can add custom fields into that drop down menu of the charges form (as below). To make your job easier, so let’s take it step by step.
Starting out
First of all, you have to navigate to the “Settings” -> “Order Items” and the click on the cabinet icon on the upper right side corner to “Add order item”.

Then you will be navigated to a window, where you can add custom fields into the charges drop down menu.

To make your Custom field / Order item you have to follow these steps.
- Add “Status”
Show – If you select “Show” it will display as a custom field in your charges drop down menu.
Hide – This will hide the custom field from charges drop down menu.
Line Separator – This feature will help you to add a line separator between two custom fields.
- Add “Priority” – This describes the display order, you want to add the custom field in your charges drop down menu.
- Add “Description” – You will be able to add a brief description to the custom field.
- Click “Save” – Your custom charge item will be saved.
After adding the Order items it will automatically converted as a custom field in your charges drop down menu, Navigate to “Charges” -> “Add a charge” and you will be able to see it. (as below).

After adding “Date of entry” and “Type of charge” you have to select either one from the “Show / hide on the Invoice” dropdown menu.
- Show line.
- Invisible price and add to total price.
- Invisible price and remove from the total price.
- Hide line and add to total price.
- Hide line and remove from the total price.
Above features effect to the Invoice as they simply mentioned. Then add following fields as usual “Square feet” ,“Cost each (£)” , “Total amount EXC VAT (£)“ , “VAT %“ , “Total amount INC VAT (£)” and click “Save”. Now you have added a custom customer charge successfully.
Finally you can have a report on how many sqm have been invoiced from particular type of charge(grass). Navigate to “Settings” -> “Report” -> Select “Type” as Sqft -> Click on “Search” (Show as below).

Then really this is another fantastic feature we have that none of our competitors do.