If you have the payment gateway installed Flobot allows you to take payments from your customers for the services you have provided or perhaps a deposit by sending out a payment link. The customer can enter their card details and pay much like purchasing something from Amazon or another online shop.
This can save a lot of time on the telephone taking debit and credit card details. It also gives you the security of having a form of payment held – much like a hotel. It gives you security and provide useful leverage with an unknown client re-addressing the balance of power somewhat.
Here’s how it works:
Go to the charges screen and select ‘send customer a payment request

Your customer will receive an email like this:

and once they click on the link they will be taken to this screen

where they can enter their card details. Once they have been successful they will see the screen below and you will get an email telling you your customer has paid.

Flobot has automatically reconciled this transaction with the correct customer so there is no more accounting to do and the clients card details are stored (at Sagepay servers) for use again in the future.
A fast and neat solution to getting paid online for services.