Go to the Field resources section and choose FTM you want to create valuation and then click on FTM name.
Then it navigates to FTM overview, from there move to Financial column of left side navigation > FTM payment information.
Then select create new valuation, clicking three-dot actions menu in the top right corner.
After it navigates to FTM Payment Information automated table
In-there you can create new valuation by pressing create valuation button with giving invoice number or using default number in FTMValuation Preview.
You can move to the above screen from another way. Follow the below steps;
Go to FTM Valuation Reports table
Then select create new valuation, clicking the three-dot actions menu in the top right corner.
How to request a valuation by FTM from Flobot Field Service App
Log in to App using FTM’s login credentials.
Then go to Statistics > Payment Summary Find out Valuation button in there.
Then you can request Fast Track Payment and Account Paymentby tapping one of them.
Note: FTM can request valuations if and only if conditions are satisfied. Fast Track Payment or O/A Payment button enable when conditions are satisfied.
When FTM request Fast Track Payment or O/A Payment immediately and automatically update the administration fee and early payment fee records under payment information page in system and payment summary in the app.
Then admin can Approve the request by creating valuation. Otherwise, Reject the request.
Here’s how to review created valuation reports in System & App
Go to the Field resources section and choose FTM you want to create valuation.
Then click on options drop-down and select Valuation.
Then it navigates to selected FTM Valuation Reports table.
In there you can see valuations reports/logs created by system admin and requested valuations by FTM.
You can move to the above screen from another way. Follow the below steps;
Go to the Field resources section and choose FTM you want to create valuation and then click on FTM name
Then it navigates to FTM overview, from there move to Financial tab > FTM payment information
Then select Valuation, clicking three-dot actions menu in the top right corner.
After creating valuations, automatically records are added into payment information page in the system and payment summary in the app.
You can see the valuation status under Latest valuation request list;
Those status are Requested, Approved and Rejected
Requested > When FTM request valuation
Approved > When Admin approved the request by creating valuation.
Reject > Admin can reject the valuation request.
Created valuations by system (admin) records can see under FTM Valuation Reports of Flobot system and under Valuations of Flobot App.
Admin can view all FTM’s and System’s valuation reports clicking All icon in three-dot actions menu in the top right corner.
Admin & FTM can view the system valuation reports as a PDF version by clicking the pdf icon.
Admin > FTM Valuation Reports table >PDF icon
FTM >Valuations >Tap record> PDF icon
Sample PDF of System valuation, Fast Track payment and O/A payment.
Here’s how works new feature -: Create valuation automatically by the system.
For automatically create valuations, there are 3 conditions to be satisfied.
Valuation auto run button should be enabled on FTM.
FTM Should have set the how often (days).
FTM Should have set the minimum amount.
For setup these 3 options follow the below steps;
Go to the Field resources section and select the FTM you want to set automatic valuation.
Then click on the Options drop-down menu and select Edit.
Above three options are available in the bottom of FTM edit page.
Then Find these options and do the above changes to those three options. 1.) Enable the valuation autorun button. 2.) Set how often days & minimum amount.
Save your changes.
After automatically run the valuation you can find record under FTM Valuation Reports.
Here’s how works new feature -:
How to add FTM recurring charges
Go to the Field resources section and choose FTM you want to createarecurring charge and then click on FTM name.
Then it navigates to FTM overview, from there move to Financial column of left side navigation > FTM payment information.
Then select Add Recurring Charges, by clicking three-dot actions menu in the top right corner.
After it navigates to Add FTM payment table.
When adding FTM payments you should fill followings;
Recurring charge type – Give the name of recurring charge type.
Amount – Amount of the recurring charge.
Effective date – Recurring charge start date.
Recurring end date – Recurring charge end date.
Status – This is indicating whether recurring happening from the effective date to the end date. If Status toggle button is ON then recurring is activated. If Status toggle button is OFF then recurring is de-activated.
Recurring how often – Recurring charges how happening according to days.
After filling the table save your changes.
Then you can find out FTM Recurring Charges under Valuation table.
For that move to valuation table by clicking the three-dot actions menu in the top right corner of the FTM payment information table.
In there you can see records under FTM recurring charges table and also you canadd new recurring charge,edit or delete existingrecurring charge.
When recurring run automatically by the system, according to how often days then recurring charge would be added to FTM under FTM payment information table.
What is the Flobot?Flobot is simple service software. Flobot helps you run your business better. Taking payments from your customers, scheduling field team members, creating estimates and quotes, invoicing clients, producing reports, managing contractors and employees. Basically, all the functions you need to run your service business.
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