Bad anchor from Invoice
If you are viewing or sending a customer invoice and then click to 'charges' it takes you to 'order overview' instead....
The updated scheduler is looking great. Lots more fuunctionality. A few bugs to clear up before release
Clicking an appointment to edit brings you to the carzy screen below. I clicked to edit an ppaointment on the 17th and it has options to edit all of these appointments. Maybe that isn’t a bad thing. However, it won’t let me edit it. It says I have selected 7 slots. Have a try yourself.
The same with edit a recurring appointment.
But on a fixed rate it worked and I could edit it
Deleting it worked well and removed the appointment but left the slots open.
Another thing. The screen below is good. Better than we ghhad before. However, I suggest that it fefaults to 3 months visibility and you can scroll along it to see where your recurring appointments have landed.
Where they have their name at the top – clicking this should open up that FTM’s schedule. On the drop down menu i.e. ‘close, edit, remind, delete etc’ we need to add ‘view schedule’ so the user can see the appointment without actually having to edit it.
Now, didn’t we mention automatic appointment reminders for this new schedule?
If you are viewing or sending a customer invoice and then click to 'charges' it takes you to 'order overview' instead....
Once the quote has been built there is no way to alter the VAT status when you re-visit it. So, I suggest we move the button to a 'show' or 'hide' slider like the main quote....
We need to lock the time-slots as we scroll to the right to make it easy to see what time we are booking. ...
This anchor needs changing. At the moment it goes through an unneccessary page so we need to do this: ...