When the user makes an order & it has stayed at a stage longer than the agreed service level time of that stage then an alarm clock will appear color “Green”, “Orange” or “Red” depending on how overdue.
NOTE: Oversight feature is only available in ServiceTeam.
The alarm clock appears in the default order list & order overview sections.
If you want to see how much time stays at the current stage without stage changing & how much time to switch to the next alarm type. Those data are available in the Order overview > Oversight tab.
You’ll be able to filter orders by alarm types using advanced order search in the default order list.
Every stage has three service level times each level has a fixed time & color. (Green, Orange, and Red)
Once the order stage changed, the Service level time clock will restart & color change to green color.
The order has stayed at a stage longer than the Green alarm service level time, the alarm clock will switch to the Orange alarm.
The order has stayed at a stage longer than the Orange alarm service level time, the alarm clock will switch to the Red alarm.
Oversight row in the Order overview tab.Oversight alarm clock in the default order list.
Oversight Time Reset
You can reset of oversight timer from the order overview -> oversight section.
When resetting the timer you should enter a reason to reset
You can rest the timer today or the future. If you want to reset a timer in the future day, you should select a day form the calendar.
You can reset your password for security reasons or if you forget it.
Reset your FTM password on flobot app
Open the flobot app on your android or apple device.Tap on "Forgotten your password?" text on the login screen.
Then type your login email on the text box and click the "RESET MY PASSWORD" button.
Then check your email account. You will receive an email look like below. C...
Here’s how it works
Here is a quote without assign FTM & appointment date.
Here is how it looks when set FTM & appointment date by using Quote badge feature. You'll be able find i icon on those columns when you set FTM & Appointment date manuall...
Here’s how to configure
Go to Settings > Options.
Scroll down & find below toggle buttons. Then set your preferences.
Save your changes.
Then you'll be able to see Engineer notes & Customer notes in every schedule view.
Go to All Customers > SMS Campaign on header navigation bar.
When customer place an order by using ServiceTeam word-press plugin, his or her account automatically add to WP sms subscribe list. (1)
Using SMS windows you can send your custom...