Now you can view the delivery status of the email and the SMS sent to the customer and the FTM through the order log ( Quotes , Invoices and Appointments )
Email delivery results
Green color states as the Email or the SMS has been delivered
Yellow color represents the emails that are yet pending, Bounced backed and spammed ( Once you take the mouse cursor to the ...
You can now view all the jobs been scheduled for the relevant FTM in just 3 clicks.
Points to note
In order to get this latest update make sure to uninstall and reinstall the App for both IOS and Android
The List of the jobs are shown in descending orde...
This article will guide you how to send Supplier sheet to Supplier using Supplier sheet V2
Note: This option will only work once the items in Flobot are been assigned to suppliers
First, login to Flobot and open an order.Go to Quotes & sheets section an...
This article will guide you how to send the cost to Xero as a bill
First login to Flobot and open an order Go to the costs section and add a cost Simply click on send to Xero...