The Flobot app looks great, it is stable and it works brilliantly. We now need to add some further usability enhancements to make it perfect.

The Appointment Screen

In the picture below of the appointment screen. There is too much information in the appointment. I think we should put in the appointment name, the postcode and the city only. The blue space to the left where the arrow points. Is this necessary? Can we remove it to get some space describing the appointment back? If not then we need to put it in a slightly different shade of blue or grey as it looks strange next to the date selected banner.


The Order Screen

In the image below we need to tidy up this header. Perhaps we should make the font smaller on all of these headers?


The Job Details Screen

We need to correct this spelling and we don’t need to put in an empty table.


Job Sheet Summary

(image below). Again the spelling. But when entering the certificate or document it could ask to provide a description of the document being uploaded. Or perhaps an icon can go in here instead of the file name? A file name doesn’t really tell the user anything unless it is descriptive. It could take the name of the drop down menu item e.g. gas certificate.

The charges are a mess here. We need to remove some columns. This is explained on the next image.


The charges screen

I think we need to remove the columns highlighted in red. It is a summary after all.



On the image below the images need rotating. I did see that hen you take a picture in landscape mode it is the right way but if you take it in portrait it needs a 90 degree rotation. We don’t need to display the file name, the description that has been typed in should be put in here.


Add Photo

The add the photo section is clunky. After pressing the green camera button in the gallery you should go straight into the camera. That is what the user is expecting.

The after you have taken a picture you should be able to leave a description if you want to – but if you don’t want to leave one it should still save the image without one. And once you have saved it it should take you to the gallery.


Order charges

As discussed we can remove some columns from this display. However I think we need to tidy up the usablity. For example when you add a new charge you should be able to add a description of the charge. And when you press ‘add charge’ it should take you back to the ‘Order Overview – Charges’ screen. At the moment it just leaves you to add another charge. Also a total needs to be added of the charges.

Job Sheet

For me this is the best part of the app. It looks great and has all the information required. I will be testing it with some clients next week maybe they need something extra.So except for the changes highlighted above i.e. the charges and the image rotation and description etc this is good to go. One thing I might ask is perhaps on the actual worksheet itself we might put a geo-location information from the phone data of where the signature was taken along with the time and date? Very useful for conflict resolution.

En Route

Does this work yet? When I press the ‘SMS Location’ it says ‘already synced’? I think it needs to say ‘Send you location to customer by sms’. The icons at the top The 2 on the left are the same feature aren’t they? Pressing one takes you to the location you are at on the map and pressing the other takes you to a mysterious location in the middle of the atlantic ocean.

The car icon that will navigate you to the destination of the appointment doesn’t work.


Written By

Adrian Portsmouth