In Flobot we have a section that is notoften used but could be very useful. It is found under ‘Service Log’ in the document store right at the bottom. Cyurrently it has the form but it doesn’t save the information. We need to upgrade this to make it work and make it useful. See image below.












There are some other features that need to be added here.

1) We need to be able to upload files and attach them in this record of the asset. That might be a user manual for example or an old service sheet in word form.

2) We need to be able to upload a picture of the asset, for example it might be an electric boiler or an air conditioning system. Something that helps an engineer identify it when he goes back

3) We need a notes section, so they can leave notes about it.

4) The asset should actually be attached to a site not an order. The asset should be something that an order can be attached to. Then any orders that involve this asset should have the relevant order history.

5) A new tab will need to be added to the account menu for assets

Written By

Adrian Portsmouth