UD Client number:
Purchase Order Number
Factoring Number
How this data will be input into the system
The Purchase order number is already in the system and can be found under ‘edit overview’ => edit order the it appears in the table
The same process should be repeated for the Factoring Number. (Factoring is where a company sells the invoice to a 3rd party to collect so they can have the money straight away. Some banks like HSBC offer this service)
‘UD Client Number’ (UD stands for User defined) needs to appear in ‘accounts’ section (which starts with MTA) and have a similar method with the ‘edit account’ function.
How the data will be presented
Ideally it will look like this (it needs to be in table format his is a mock-up) or is this is too time consuming just another row in the table. (see below)
The data should appear in the invoice
The purchase Order Number already appears on the invoice, the UD Customer number needs to appear also if one has been entered. The factor number does not need to appear in the invoice.